
Prikazuju se postovi od lipanj, 2018

My experience with eyelash extension

Eyelash extension Put the eyelash extension or not? The question is now... In the beginning I doubled, since I like to make a makeup. But since I gave birth, I could not putting makeup on myself any more. I just did not have time. I had a lot of obligations: feed the baby, put on the baby, make eat for husband and me, go shopping(food).... While dressing myself, the husband would come in every couple of minutes and ask if I was done! It irritates me, because I did not have time for myself! So I decided to put the eyelash extensions. I was lying on a table in the beauty salon. A beautician put a sticky tape on my lower eyelashes. My eyes was itched. It took a full hour and a half. When I looked into the mirror, and I asked the beautician why did not put smaller eyelash extensions? To tell me that she had shaped them by my eyelashes.  My lashes are not as long as the lash extension. It was unusua...

Funny pictures 3

Funny pictures 3

My Shutterstock :)

I have great passion for photography, and that's the only reason I'm doing photography. I'm a person who likes to joke. Cheerful character, what friends describe me. I like to draw, and create, as you can see on my blog. I like to make toys, play games and play with kids. My photos on shutterstock, are my crazy ideas, pictures of places I've been to. I was playing more than I really photographed. At the bottom of the text, I've put my site link. You can see my photos. When you do what you like, you do not even work! Greeting...

How to make handmade puppet eyes


The Best Serial ''Istanbul bride''

Istanbul bride I watched a lot serial, from the American to the Spanish. Of Mexican series was my favorite ''Ruby''! Ruby was a poor girl, which manipulated others just to get what she wanted. All the series I have been looking at always the theme was: poverty,  riches,  manipulation, murder, arrogance, hatred...and other negative things. Serial ''Istanbul bride'' doesn't have that topics. Her themes are: joy,  celebration,  humor, real life of people... I just enjoy watching it! Relaxes, and gives you a thought. You just have to look at the series,  to understand what I'm talking about.

Funny pictures 2

Funny pictures 2

Funny pictures 1

Funny pictures   ;)

Life or death

Life or death... Life begins at conception. It should not be interrupted. If a woman does abortion, It's the same as murder. The only difference is that you would kill your own child. People think that this is a collection of cells. That is life! And you're a huge cell, then you should also be aborted! People are composed of cells. What you do not feel, does not mean it does not exist! It is the same as with the wind, you do not see it, but you feel it... That's life started, do not interrupt! If you could have sex, then you can give birth. Do not give a baby to adoption. Believe me, there is nothing nicer than the child's arms around your cuddle! The first words '' mom ''! The first smile, lucky when sees you. At first you will be very tired, but it is worth it.  If there is no such possibility for the child, give the child the name and surname. A letter explaining why you gave your baby to ...