Rijeka beach Kantrida


                                Rijeka Beach Kantrida

Rijeka beach Kantrida is a pebble beach with large rocky beaches by the sea.
A beautiful view of the island of Krk, the island Cres, the town of Rijeka and the whole of Istria.
The sea is clean, and there are restaurants and cafes beside the beach. Fast food next to the beach promenade, and shops.
Beside the beach there are swimming pools, and a souvenir shop. Sandbox for children, and sand for playing volleyball.
Next to Kantrida beach is another beach. The beach inhabitants call them '' under the villa ''. Because that beach is under the villa. This villa is also an apartment, and on this beach there is a greenery. Small forest with plenty of shade if you do not like being in the sun.
At night the beach is visited by a police ship. And is ideal for night-time swimming when the pool reflectors are lit.

The beaches are fenced in by the sea and it is forbidden to go over them. And ships are forbidden to approach the fenced.

                 Has lots of green algae and sea shells. It is permissible to collect sea fruits.

                                                My shadow on the pebble beach. :)

Forbidden dogs, if you catch financial penalties are large. On the beach is prohibited and removal of the upper part of swimming.

                                                 A look at the whole of Istria and Opatija.

The temperature is extremely variable. S +40 to +25. At night the light wind blows after the hot day

      View of the island of Krk and Rijeka. in the distance you can see the part Bakarska industry.

                                                         A little green algae :)

                                                       Fishing boat and seagulls.

                                                    Drops of sunken stone :)

                                                                       Fishing boat.

                          As soon as he was throwing the fishing net, the seagulls came.


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