Hair color

                                          Hair color

What color of hair to choose?
It's easy, you just have to look at your eyebrows. If your eyebrows are bright or brown, then your colors match brown, dark brown, and all blonde color variants.
If your eyebrows are black and you want blonde hair, you do not have to paint them.. You could toss them with tweezers.
If you can not decide between the two colors, or you do not know what color to choose? It's easy, take a photo of you as child. When I was a kid I had blue hair and eyes, as I was older, my hair was brown and my eyes were amber.
With 24 I wanted to change color, and I decided for the first time for the blonde. It's great to me. That blond hair, as if refreshing my face, naturally stood.
Black hair closes my face because I'm pale. Reddish color stands me super, as well as light brown.
But blonde is a real combination

If you have gray hair, take the bright highlights that can be 6 months. So you will not have to constantly paint your hair. 
If you do not like highlights, paint hair in one shade bright.


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