Signs of pregnancy

                                   Signs of pregnancy

The first sign of pregnancy is full of breast. Starting to be bigger and bigger. Later, you will see that your menstrual period is missing. Those who do not have a regular period will not even know that they are pregnant until they do a home-pregnancy test.
I knew I was pregnant not only because my breasts were larger but I could not lie on my stomach.
Every time when I lay on stomach, I would feel a sharp pain.
Completely different kind of pain from the period.
Two dashes on a pregnancy test mean pregnancy, one dash that you are not pregnant.

                                      This is my little angel. I can hardly wait to come. 

                                                P.s is a girl ;) Little Princess <3 <3 <3

Try to get rid of stress, anger. Walk 30 minutes, listen to relaxing music. Be happy because if you are happy and the baby is happy :) . Every time you are lucky she is happy, striking in the abdomen jumps.
But if you're sad, and the baby is sad, it will not move.


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