12 changes that occur in the body during pregnancy

12 changes that occur in the body during pregnancy 1. Milk may also appear before birth May occur during the last month or week of pregnancy - and the sign is that the body is really ready for the arrival of the child. 2. You can increase the number of feet This is happening for two reasons: the body retains more water during pregnancy, and the uterus creates pressure on the veins as it expands, which means that blood flow is reduced. Do not worry, most women return to their usual shoe size after birth. 3. Your skin may change color Pregnant women produce more melanin than usual, causing dark spots on the skin, usually in the area of the forehead and cheeks. This is just another reason why it is important to wear a protective factor cream at any time of the year. 4. Lose control of bladder Besides the fact that you have to always go to the toilet, it is possible that you happen to sneeze or get bogged d...