12 changes that occur in the body during pregnancy

       12 changes that occur in the body during pregnancy

1. Milk may also appear before birth

May occur during the last month or week of pregnancy - and the sign is that the body is really ready for the arrival of the child.

2. You can increase the number of feet

This is happening for two reasons: the body retains more water during pregnancy, and the uterus creates pressure on the veins as it expands, which means that blood flow is reduced.
Do not worry, most women return to their usual shoe size after birth.

3. Your skin may change color

Pregnant women produce more melanin than usual, causing dark spots on the skin, usually in the area of the forehead and cheeks. This is just another reason why it is important to wear a protective factor cream at any time of the year.

4. Lose control of bladder

Besides the fact that you have to always go to the toilet, it is possible that you happen to sneeze or get bogged down - and to escape a little. Nothing weird!

5. Bleeding of the right teeth

Increased blood flow and hormonal changes can affect swelling of the gums, which is why they are more sensitive and often bleed. Also, during pregnancy it is possible to have more nose bleeds.

6. 'Boiling the stomach'

We all have muscles at the top of the stomach that prevent stomach acid uplift. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, due to hormones, these same muscles relax - which is why you are constantly being submerged. Tip: Do not eat a few hours before bedtime and keep your head high while you are sleeping.

7. Your hair becomes softer

Thanks to all the hormones in your body, your hair will be the most beautiful during pregnancy. But do not be glad soon, because after you are born, everything will disappear.

8. An unusual vertical line over the pregnant belly

Three of the four pregnant women have a dark vertical line along their abdomen. The reason is only pregnant hormones, and the line is more noticeable in darker skin women. But after the birth of the line almost completely faded.

9. Your senses are stronger

During the pregnancy it is felt fever and taste. Everything will have you a better and more intensive taste, but you will also be much more sensitive to unpleasant smells ...

10. Skin may very irritate

In the later stages of pregnancy, uncontrolled itchy skin may appear. This is because of the combination of very dry skin (again due to hormones!) and because the baby is growing, so your skin gets very stretched.

11. Your voice can be changed

As the body changes estrogen and prothrogen levels, so your voices are spreading, which is why you can sound like a boy who goes through puberty.

12. Skin shines

There is 'pregnant glow' and the reason for this is the increased blood flow. Regardless of all your nausea and bleeding gums, these odd lines in the abdomen, know that your skin will look perfect!


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