


All women love to edit their nails. But some overmuch. 
I love small and neat nails. Big nails quickly burst and damage. With long nails you are not able to do certain things.
Below the picture I will explain.

What can you do with these? Normal finger function is at minimal. I do not know how this person manages to put on makeup. And where to maintain hygiene. Looks more like a witch from Disneyland.

It is the same with this one. How does she puts on shoes? Socks? Can they walk normally? 

These are nails ok in comparison to the previous ones. Reminds of nails monsters.

Too large. A lot of bacteria is hidden beneath the nail.

I hope this is an unsuccessful attempt of gelling. 

These are wonderful to me. Neither too big nor too small. Perfect!!!

I do not like pointed. It cries to animal nails, not to ladies.

Animal nails...


Even small nails are wonderful.

Are not the smaller nails better than the big ones?


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