My message to film directors


I remember when I was a kid, the movies were family. An average family with two or more children. There were no sex scenes. Whether it is about ''action, horror, drama or comedy''.  

Nowadays the film did not even begin immediately appearing on the sex scene. Why???
The reason is that film directors don’t know how to make a film!!!
Film directors think, if put every 10 minutes a sexual scene or a naked scene of a women that it will have higher ratings.
It may have higher ratings among teenagers, but with normal people like me there is not much viewership. The reason for this is if I am watching a sex scene, I'll turn on the porn.
Or I'll just go to bed with my man, where I will let my imagination run wild.
I admit I'm a sex maniac, I don't like to watch those scenes in movies. Comedy i turn on to laugh, horror to be terrified to raise my adrenaline, action because of a passion for shooting, and in dramas I like only those recorded according to true stories.
In these sexual scenes we never see naked men. Is not it so??? Why???
I'll tell you why...
Because men are smarter than women. They are never naked in movies, except when they only take off their T-shirts...
So I wonder why women strip in movies???
They think they will be famous, that everyone will admire their bodies... The answer is no...
By doing so you are only embarrassing your family. Your parents will be ashamed of you, and your children when you have them. Do you want to walk with your head bowed because of some scenes? If all women refused to undress, then all women would have the same rights as men maybe even bigger when it comes to movies...
Just think a little about it my dear women.
Just think...


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