
Prikazuju se postovi od kolovoz, 2017


                                        The best anime                                                          1.The vision of escaflowne The series follows a teenage high school girl named Hitomi, who finds herself pulled from Earth to the planet Gaea when a boy named Van appears on the high school track while battling a dragon. In Gaea, she is caught in the middle of a war as the Zaibach Empire attempts to take over Gaea. Van (King of Fanelia), with aid from Allen (an Asturian Knight), commands his mystical  mech  Escaflowne in the struggle to stop the Zaibach Empire. Hitomi's fortune telling powers blossom in Gaea as she becomes the key to awakening Escaflowne and to stopping Zaibach's plans. ...

How to draw a Minnie Mouse


Month, week and pregnancy tags

                                                     Month, week and pregnancy tags                                      How pregnant I am Pregnancy counts from the last period. Last week is 39, +40 weeks. This division is usually calculated: First trimester: 1. Month = week 1, 2, 3, 4, 2. Month = week 5, 6, 7, 8, 3. Month = week 9, 10, 11, 12, Second quarter: 4. Month = week 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 5. Month = week 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 6. Month = week 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Third trimester: 7. Month = week 28, 29, 30, 31, 8. Month = week 32, 33, 43, 35, 9. Month = week 36, 37, 38, 39, +40 Pregnancy tags UZV abbreviation: GV   -    A gesture bag, a ...

Signs of pregnancy

                                   Signs of pregnancy The first sign of pregnancy is full of breast. Starting to be bigger and bigger. Later, you will see that your menstrual period is missing. Those who do not have a regular period will not even know that they are pregnant until they do a home-pregnancy test. I knew I was pregnant not only because my breasts were larger but I could not lie on my stomach. Every time when I lay on stomach, I would feel a sharp pain. Completely different kind of pain from the period. Two dashes on a pregnancy test mean pregnancy, one dash that you are not pregnant.                                       This is my little angel. I can hardly wait to come.              ...

Hair color

                                          Hair color What color of hair to choose? It's easy, you just have to look at your eyebrows. If your eyebrows are bright or brown, then your colors match brown, dark brown, and all blonde color variants. If your eyebrows are black and you want blonde hair, you do not have to paint them.. You could toss them with tweezers. If you can not decide between the two colors, or you do not know what color to choose? It's easy, take a photo of you as child. When I was a kid I had blue hair and eyes, as I was older, my hair was brown and my eyes were amber. With 24 I wanted to change color, and I decided for the first time for the blonde. It's great to me. That blond hair, as if refreshing my face, naturally stood. Black hair closes my face because I'm pale. Reddish color stands me super, as well as light brown. B...

Long or short hair

                                     Long or short hair No matter how long hair looked nice it as short hair requires a lot of attention. Differences: - Positive Long hair... 1. You can tie a heavy hair 2. Knit braids 3. Hair curl 4. Straighten hair 5. Be natural Short hair... 1. Maintain a natural shaping shape 2. If hair is longer than a hair curl 3. No split ends hair                      - Negative Long hair... 1. Magnetizes 2. Split Ends Short hair... 1. Hot summer, because you can not tie your hair (If it is medium length) 2. Constantly the same hairstyle                                           ...


                                                  Trsat Trsat is located above the city of Rijeka. Has a wonderful view. Trsat Castle, and a huge park around the castle, which is on the steep. Statue of a lion with wings at the entrance to the castle, the old cannon inside the castle. A beautifully decorated castle-style café, and a souvenir shop at the entrance. Besides the sea there is also the river Riječina after which the city got its name. Can be seen the whole of Istria, and the islands.                                                       The entrance door to the castle.                               ...

Rijeka beach Kantrida

                                     Rijeka Beach Kantrida Rijeka beach Kantrida is a pebble beach with large rocky beaches by the sea. A beautiful view of the island of Krk, the island Cres, the town of Rijeka and the whole of Istria. The sea is clean, and there are restaurants and cafes beside the beach. Fast food next to the beach promenade, and shops. Beside the beach there are swimming pools, and a souvenir shop. Sandbox for children, and sand for playing volleyball. Next to Kantrida beach is another beach. The beach inhabitants call them '' under the villa ''. Because that beach is under the villa. This villa is also an apartment, and on this beach there is a greenery. Small forest with plenty of shade if you do not like being in the sun. At night the beach is visited by a police ship. And is ideal for night-time swimming when the pool reflecto...

Skalete beach

                                      Skalete beach Skalete beach is located near the Preluke camp. A view of Opatija, the island of Krk, the island of Cres and the city of Rijeka. There is a strong wind blowing so it is ideal for sailing boats. The whole beach is in the vicinity of the forest, so there are trained exercise equipment along the promenade. There is a cafe nearby, and at the Preluke camp there is a restaurant. Skalete beach is located between Opatija and the city of Rijeka. Every Sunday is a fair at the Preluke camp where you can buy cheap things. Recently started to build a hotel on Skalete Beach. But plenty of people rent apartments near the beach of Skalete. At the beach Skalete there is a well-known beach for people with disabilities, where they can safely get in the water.           ...

The beauty of the city of Crikvenica

                     The beauty of the city of Crikvenica Crikvenica is the ideal city if you are looking for water activities. Apart from windsurfing, sailing, parachuting, you also have an excellent beach with a huge and winding slope. Sandy beach, rocky beach, pebble, all in one place. Beach that is paid, there is a special program for training in the water with the coach. The beach is surrounded by a fence, and people who look after your belongings. children have small swimming pools, playground and sand to play. On this beach there are cafes, restaurants and fast food. Huge playground for basketball, tennis, volleyball. In the summer, famous pirates come on wooden boats, where the whole night is celebrated. All the pirates are masked as pirates the Caribbean if you love pirates the Caribbean then this is the real adventure for you. Nightclubs are open all night, some clubs have a foam ...